Why this book?
I felt isolated and scared in the weeks leading up to my first day as a teacher. I wanted to be great, but didn't know what I should be doing to start the school year strong.
This is the book I wish someone had given to me. Inside, you'll find practical advice and resources for the soon-to-be teacher.
A strong start to the school year matters. A lot. I hope this book helps you not only survive your first weeks in the classroom, but thrive.
The 7 Steps
1. Set up your classroom
2. Create lesson plans for your first two days
3. Create a high-level plan for the first two weeks
4. Create your classroom management plan
5. Practice your teacher magic
6. Draft your vision and goals
7. Prioritize
Download the book for over 100 pages of advice and resources related to the 7 steps.
About Tyler
I believe too many teachers suffer unnecessarily during their first weeks in the profession. I'm committed to changing that.
I've been a teacher, a teacher coach, an education policy advisor, and the leader of a teacher training program. I'm a graduate of the Doctor of Education Leadership program at Harvard. I feel so blessed to be a part of this important work. If you'd like, you can learn more about me here.

Additional Resources
I'm offering the book to the world using a "Pay what you want" system. If you'd like to contribute, wonderful! Your funds will go towards the upkeep of the websites I've created and to supporting my efforts to help educators across the world. If you're not able to contribute, no worries at all. Either way, my hope is that the ideas and resources in the book support and encourage you in the work that you're doing.
You can reach me at Tyler@EducatorsThriving.org. My work keeps me busy, so I have limited time to get back to emails. For that reason, I apologize in advance for any delays in getting back to you!

Thank you for what you do, God bless you, and keep going strong.